This star-studded series offers retrospective profiles of 260 celebrities in the world of performing arts.
Produced by Switch InternationalUp-Res HD Format by Chip Taylor Communications, LLC
52 x 30 minutes / URHD
Season 1:
1. Berry 1; Farrell; Spears; Madonna; Brosnan
2. Beyonce; Chan; Smith; Murphy; Minogue
3. Cage; M. Jackson; Costner; Blanchett; Depp 1
4. Myers; J. Moore; Paltrow; C. Diaz; Timberlake
5. Zellweger; Rowland; Kidman; Sandler; Robin Williams
6. D. Washington; J. Lopez 1; Affleck; Watts 1; Colin Firth
7. Dench; E. McGregor 1; C. Z. Jones; P. Diddy; M. Douglas
8. Hudson; H. Ford; Kutcher; J. Connelly; Robbie Williams
9. Aguilera; Elvis; Crowe; Jolie 1; Juanes
10. Hanks; G. Clooney; M. Williams; K. Reeves; D. Barrymore
11. Cruise 1; M. Ryan; Duvall; M. Gibson; Sting
12. Brody; Bono; Pink; Nicholson; Penn
13. J. Jackson; G. Michael; C. Dion; Theron; O. Bloom
Season 2:
1. Ricci; P. Cruz; Mortensen; Anastacia; Travolta
2. E. Iglesias; M. Branch; B. Willis; Queen; M. Freeman
3. Bullock; M. Caine; H. Grant; Aniston 1; M. Perry
4. B. Pitt; Streep; Jackman; Winslet; J. Broadbent
5. J . Carrey; M. Carey; A; Hopkins; Hayek; Mirren
6. Dido; Banderas; J. Walters; C. Eastwood; D. Bowie
7. B. Fraser; I. McKellan; Stefani; T. Maguire; Lavigne
8. Pavarotti; Bana; R. Stewart; Almodovar; E. Hawke
9. N. Portman; Spielberg; B. Stiller; P. Bettany; Dunst
10. Knightley 1; De Niro; E. John; M. Moore; Dafoe
11. Latifah; A. Judd; Ruffalo; O. Wilson; V. Vaughn
12. G. Rush; B. Murphy; Pacino; Scorsese; Di Caprio
13. Johannson; Witherspoon; Gyllenhaal; Damon; S. Stone
Season 3:
1. A. Baldwin; Quaid; J. Law; G. Lucas; McCartney
2. O. Osbourne; H. Hunter; J. Garner; Collette; Tarantino
3. S. L. Jackson; Santana; S. Green; Caviezel; B. Murray
4. J. Foxx; D. Hoffman; Fanning 1; B. B. Thornton; L. Wilson
5. Jagger; Schwarzenegger; Sarandon; R. Howard; J. Hartnett
6. Ferrell; Kilmer; V. Diesel; K. Bosworth; Eminem
7. Gere; Kinnear; B. Crystal; Applegate; T. Robbins
8. M. Lillard; M. Rodriguez; J. Andrews; S. M. Gellar; J. Roberts
9. Phoenix; Beckinsale; T. L. Jones; Downey Jr.; D. Messing
10. U. Thurman; C. Walken; B. Mac; J. Irons; R. King
11. H. Duff; G. Butler; M. Bello; J. P. Smith; L. Fishburne
12. Ice Cube; K. Cattrall; D. Johnson; A. Rai; P. Giamatti
13. Kudrow; Rimes; K. Bacon; R. Weisz; G. Pearce
Season 4:
1. H. Swank; L. Linney; Neeson; C. Owen; C. Rock
2. B. Kingsley; P. Hilton; S. Zahn; J. Biggs; W. H. Macy
3. E. Mendes; E. Levy; M. Smith; R. McAdams; P. Jackson
4. C. Cox; C. Bale; S. Miller; C. Murphy; A. Jolie 2
5. J. Black; J. Alba; J. Depp 2; H. B. Carter; T. Burton
6. L. Lohan; E. McGregor 2; S. Morton; P. Sarsgaard; E. Mortimer
7. E. Wood; H. Davis; J. Schwartzman; C. Danes; R. Reynolds
8. M. Gyllenhaal; P. Walker; J. Lopez 2; B. Del Toro; A. Tautou
9. H. Ledger; H. Berry 2; S. Carell; D. Fanning 2; P. S. Hoffman
10. G. G. Bernal; K. Knightley 2; Z. Braff; D. Kruger; McConaughey
11. S. J. Parker; A. Peet; J. Aniston 2; J. Franco; A. Hathaway
12. M. Dillon; R. Dawson; J. Reno; K. Holmes; N. Watts 2
13. J. Biel; A. Faris; M. Tomei; G.i Ribisi; T. Cruise 2