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A collection of biographies on artists admired for their ability to express their unique artistic vision.

Up-Res HD format by Chip Taylor Communications, LLC

Versions Available:

  • 16 x 30 minutes / HD & URHD

  • 8 x 60 minutes / HD & URHD

  • 11 x 30-60 minutes / HD & URHD

  • 1 x 30 minutes / URHD (Spanish Version Available)

Artists of Vision



5 x 30 minutes / HD & URHD

Episode 4 available in Spanish

1. Creecy: Celebrating the Art and Life of Herbert Creecy

2. Edna Hibel 1: A Personal Portrait

3. Pierre Henri Matisse 1: The Art of Paper Cuts

4. Salazar (a.k.a. Roland Rose) [ES]

5. Salazar's Four Seasons of the Master Myth [HD]


5 x 60 minutes / HD & URHD

1. Alvar: His Vision and His Art

2. Partick Dougherty: Twisted Logic

3. Edna Hibel 2: With Love, Edna Hibel

4. Edna Hibel 3: Hibel's Russian Palette

5. Pierre Henri Matisse 2: An Artist of Love and Freedom

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