An enlightening and entertaining series in which timeblazing heroes, Sam (Mike Ackerman), Jen (Heidi Leigh), Shakira (Jasmine Richards), and Alex (Stephen Joffe), travel back in time and embark on a string of exciting escapades, meeting notable people and witnessing significant events throughout history.
A Coneybeare production distributed in association with CCI Releasing, Inc.
Up-Res HD format by Chip Taylor Communications, LLC
Versions Available:
40 x 30 minutes / URHD
20 x 60 minutes / URHD
1. Home Security: The Keys to the Kingdom
2. Transportation: Planes, Trains and Stagecoaches
3. Sanitation: The Great Stink
4. The Wheel: The Mother of All Inventions
5. Fashion: The Emperor's Old Clothes
6. The Police: The Good, the Bad and the Bread
7. Advances in Cooking: A Feast Fit for a King
8. Sports: Get Ready to Rumble
9. Medicine: Leech a Cold, Bleed a Fever
10. Money: Barter, Coins, Paper and Gold
11. The Justice System: Off With His Head
12. The Story of Communications: Message in a Bottle
13. Rumbling and Romance: A Look at Love and Marriage
14. Child Labor: Kid Jobs
15. The Pioneers: Home on the Range
16. The Stars and History: Lost in the Stars
17. Education: Learning About Schools
18. Wonders of the Maya: From Temples to Hot Chocolate
19. Ancient History: The Romans
20. Heroes: Hercules, Joan of Arc, Robin Hood, Annie Oakley
21. News Through the Ages
22. Revolutions (British, French and American)
23. Who is Marco Polo?
24. Farming: Down on the Farm
25. Legends - Real or Not Real?
26. Geniuses: Copernicus, Shakespeare, Franklin, da Vinci
27. Explorers: Age of Discovery, Illnesses, Lewis & Clark
28. Tyrants: Nero, Ivan, Louis XVI and Napoleon
29. A Soldier's Life (Centurions, Vikings, British Red Coats)
30. Amazing Women (Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Mary Shelley)
31. Mapping: The Flat Earth Society
32. Fun and Games: From Dominoes to Hopscotch
33. History's Biggest Mistakes
34. The History of Bikes
35. Who Discovered North America?
36. Archaeology: Can You Dig It?
37. The History of Flight
38. Great Disasters (Dinosaurs, Pompeii, Great London Fire, the Titanic)
39. Solving the Mystery of the Dark Ages
40. Timeline: A Short History of Time