Hosted by Jeannine Edwards, this series features attorney Arnold Lutzker, senior partner of Lutzker and Lutzker, who provides the core legal expertise regarding copyright compliance; he is joined by attorneys Susan Lutzker, Carl Settlemyer and Allison Rapp, who answer frequently asked questions about copyright.
Produced by Chip Taylor Communications, LLC
Up-Res HD format by Chip Taylor Communications, LLC
Versions Available:
10 x 30-60 minutes / URHD
10 x 30 minutes / URHD
5 x 60 minutes / URHD
1. Copyright 101: An Introduction to Copyright [30 or 60 min]
2. Copyright Works in the Classroom; FAQs [30 min]
3. Copyright, Research and Publication; FAQs [30 min]
4. Copyright and Fair Use [30 min]
5. Copyright and the Library, Media Center and AV Department [30 min]
6. DMCA - The Digital Millennium Copyright Act in Detail [30 min]
7. Managing Education Uses of Copyright Works; FAQs [30 min]
8. DMCA and Online Service Provider Limitation on Liability [30 min]
9. DMCA and Digital Distance Education (The TEACH Act) [30 min]
10. Copyright for Students and Parents [30 min]