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A collection of documentaries about endangered animals and conservations efforts to preserve their species.

Up-Res HD format by Chip Taylor Communications, LLC

Versions Available:

  • 18 x 30 minutes / URHD

  • 15 x 30-60 minutes / URHD

  • 9 x 60 minutes / URHD

Animal Conservation



1. African Elephant: Crash of the Titans [30 min]

2. Barn Owls: When Owls Do Cry [30 min]

3. Cranes 1: Raising Crane [30 min]

4. Cranes 2: Flight to Survival [30 min]

5. Into Africa [60 min]

6. The Last Ark: A Question of Survival [30 min]

7. Last Chance for the Pacific Salmon [60 min]

8. Last of the Orangutans (Borneo, Indonesia) [30 min]

9. Leopards - Kill of a Lifetime (Zimbabwe) [30 min]

10. Manatees: Cry of the Sirens [30 min]

11. Orca (Killer Whales) [60 min]

12. The Panda [60 min]

13. Trumpeter Swans: Trumpeter Blues (A Swan's Story) [30 min]

14. White Sharks: On the Edge (of Extinction?) ]30 min]

15. Wild Africa: Okavango [30 min]

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